Thursday, February 4, 2010

So blogging is harder than I thought it would be

So, this blogging thing is harder than I thought it would be. Not that sitting down and writing what I think of the world or my life is hard it is just finding the time to do it. When I set out on this mission of blogging over a week ago I thought for sure that I would be able to write at least every other day. Well, no such luck. Mommyhood and schoolwork come before email and blogging.

In less than a week my little boy will be 2 years old. It is so hard to believe that 2 years has gone by so quickly. It makes me sad to know that he is not a baby anymore but yet I am so excited for him. He is learning new words and phrases everyday and is so excited about life and all the little things that he understands. I always tell friends that have had babies after me to make sure that they hold their little ones as much as possible - no matter what anyone says. The days go by too quickly and before you know it your little one is running away from you to go play trucks or dolls when all you want is one of those slobbery baby kisses that only a mommy can love. I long for the days where my little one could lay on my shoulder or in my arms for hours at a time and not need anymore stimulation than mommy's voice. Sometimes I wish I could just go back for one hour just to hold that little 6lb baby in my arms again. But then I realize the greatness that I have now, the little boy that can say "mommy I love you!" and "mommy I miss you!" and even "mommy I don't want that!" - yes the terrible two's will be challenging but I wouldn't miss a day of it for the world. While I long for the baby days sometimes, I know that watching him grow and learn is truly the miracle of life and it is so fascinating. The days that I really miss that tiny baby I just watch him sleep for a minute or two - for it is when he is sleeping that he still looks like that 6lb baby of mine and it makes me smile.

Love your babies today and when you think you have loved them enough - LOVE THEM SOME MORE!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My first blog

I have heard of this thing called blogging and I have certainly read my fair share of them. Finding them quite entertaining I decided to try it out myself. This is my very first blog. I used to write letters when I was younger and I would write and write and write and NEVER actually deliver these letters to anyone. I am hoping that blogging will provide me with the same stress relief satisfaction. Not that I am a person that is very stressed. I am just a person that does not like biting my tongue and I found I have done that way too much lately. I think I will mostly write about the joys of motherhood - single motherhood that is - and yes there are joys to that believe it or not. Focusing on the fact that I am a mother and that I have the best son in the world generally relieves my frustrations. Listening to my son say a phrase he has never said before or looking at his smile can change any day into a good day. So to anyone who shall read my blog I say to you this - if you are a parent enjoy your child, take delight in every new thing that they learn. Relish in their smile, allow them to make your day. Even though my son is only almost 2 years old I am certain that even in the sulkiest of teenagers a parent can find something to smile about. As rambling as this post is, take from it this - enjoy your children and treat them well, think of them in ALL decisions that you make for if you do it should make your decisions easy ones to make.